S2S EcoRecon Outpost Coordinator Bethanie Hall meets with Xerxes Society Bumblebee Atlas Coordinator Amy Dolan

S2S team member and EcoRecon Outpost Coordinator Bethanie Hall had a chance to meet up with Amy Dolan. The S2S team got a chance to meet with Amy during the S2S EcoRecon Expedition at Great Basin National Park in August of 2025. Amy is the mountain state coordinator for the Xerxes Societ’ys Bumblebee Atlas. During Amy’s time with the S2S team at Great Basin, she was able to coordinate with park officials to arrange a Bioblitz at the park for this coming June. Bethanie and Amy got a chance to discuss this exciting opportunity during their visit, and S2S hopes to attend the Bioblitz during the summer. During her time at Great Basin, Amy was an enthusiastic supporter of Mike’s efforts to support veterans through purpose built outdoor recreation. Amy and Mike both believe citizen science holds the key to providing veterans with engaging outdoor recreation that supports important conservation objectives throughout the United States.


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