Upcoming Projects Near You
FWC Ridge Rangers Monthly Bioblitz
Each month, the FWC Ridge Rangers will be hosting a Bioblitz to learn more about the the biodiversity of Lake Wales Ridge. Bring your camera and join the team!
Ridge Ranger Bass Fishing Tournaments
The FWC Ridge Rangers will be hosting monthly fishing tournaments at Lake Istokpoga in Highlands County, Florida. Jonthan Foligno, the lead volunteer biologist, is looking for new volunteers to help at this event.
Polk County Parks and Natural Resources Eagle Watch
Polk County Parks and Natural Resources is looking for volunteers to participate in Eagle Watch. These surveys are critical to supporting the local Eagle Population in Central Florida. Please consider becoming a volunteer!
Soldiers2Scientists EcoRecon Internship Program
Click here to learn more about an internship with Soldiers2Scientists. The project page will provide you with a google form to fill out with your information!
S2S Consultation
If you are new to citizen science, and you are looking for help in finding projects or learning more about this important work, please consider asking us for a consultation!
The Great American Kestrel Nestbox Project
Manassas Battlefield Park in Virginia is home to a unique network of over a dozen American kestrel and barn owl nest boxes. S2S has received funding from the Hawkwatch Jerry Liguori Scholarship to revive this nest box network and expand it to the Shenandoah Raptor Study Area in Virginia. Over the next months, S2S will be building and installing these nest boxes in collaboration with master banders and kestrel scientists. Once the project is complete, S2S will ensure the new network will be monitored throughout the breeding season during the Spring and Summer of 2025.
Saw-Whet Owl Banding
S2S will be arranging trips for interested veteran participants to visit Ben Spory and his team at their Saw-Whet Owl banding station in Bergton, Virginia. Click here to learn more about this fun and educational opportunity.
Polk County Florida Gopher Tortoise Protection Project
Collect information on the socializing, mating, and general habitats of the Gopher Tortoise, a threatened species in Florida
Bat Emergence Survey at New River Gorge National Park in Beaver, West Virginia
New River Gorge National Park is looking for volunteers for its Emergent Bat Surveys starting in May and continuing until October 2024. The surveys take place in the evening and are an excellent opportunity to get involved with the parks developing citizen science projects!