S2S, FWC Ridge Rangers, and Polk County Parks and Natural Resources visit the University of South Florida.
S2S team members joined together with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Ridge Rangers and Polk County Parks and Natural Resources to present at the University of South Florida in February. Savannah Rains, Military Connected Student Program Manager at the Office of Veteran Success for USF, graciously invited S2S and our partners to share the amazing opportunities available for volunteers interested in Citizen Science in the Central Florida Area. Jonathan Foligno, lead biologist for the FWC Ridge Rangers presented remotely, and Mary Apessos and Eric Eversole joined us at USF. Both organizations shared information about their important work and invited students from USF to volunteer at their various programs.
Soldiers2Scientists is committed to helping the Ridge Rangers and Polk County NR find volunteers for their projects with a special focus on engaging veterans in the Tampa / Central Florida Area.
If you are interested in their work, consider contacting us at soldiers2scientists@gmail.com.
You can also learn more about the work of these two important organizations by visiting their websites found below:
Polk County Parks and Natural Resources: https://www.polk-county.net/things-to-do/parks-and-recreation/environmental-reserves/
Principal Contact: Mary Apessos
Email: maryapessos@polk-county.net
Florida Fish and Wildlife Ridge Rangers: https://myfwc.com/get-involved/volunteer/regional-programs/ridge-rangers/
Principal Contact: Jonathan Foligno
Email: jonathan.foligno@myfwc.com